AminoCarb XP is s High Performance Energy Drink This specialized 4Phase Carbohydrate complex consist of Hi-Maize® Plalatinose® Malodextrin and Dridex-9
AminoCarb XP allows rapid delivery fluid to the tissue, provides an adequate carbohydrate source for use during endurance exercise, provides an optimum level of electrolytes and is palatable and refreshing
AminoCarb Energy Drink has been specially formulated to help re-hydrate your body quickly and help improve performance. This is accomplished through a well balanced formulation of water, blended simple and complexed carbohydrates, protein and hydration salts.
PROPER HYDRATION: The main reason athletes drink fluid before, during and after physical activity is to replace the water and salts that are lost through sweat. If the water isn’t replaced, dehydration will occur and performance will be hampered. It is necessary to re-hydrate with a properly formulated hydration drink.
Add 1 Sachet of AminoCarb™ XP to 500ml water
Core Benefits: