Stains occur every day on clothes and carpets in thousands of homes. As the SA's stain removal expert, Vanish produce’s stain removal products that eliminate almost every conceivable stain; even really tough dried-in stains that have been around for ages. With Vanish in your cupboard, you won't have to worry about the damage stains and dirt can cause anymore to your clothes and carpets, giving you more time to enjoy the more important things in life!
Vanish Power O2 Powder
2x power against stains
Contains active oxygen power to deliver amazing stain removal on tough stains
South Africa's Number 1 fabric stain remover
PowerO2 formula
Removes all types of stains
Vanish O2 Large Area Carpet & Multi Fabric Stain Remover
Vanish Power O2 Pre-Wash Trigger
Which way are we leaning: Rooibos or regular? Milk: yes or no? The standard sugar inquiry, a two-part question if the first answer is yes.
And if you have your black belt in tea-making, one final question concerning the tea bag: in or out?
How are you supposed to remember that all if you're making tea for, oh say, 3 people?
It doesn't concern today's deals at all, but we had to think about something while we waited for the kettle to boil.