The new MIKADO aerator turns the water stream into an eye-catcher when washing your hands. Its extraordinary, grid-like spray pattern – formed by individual water jets – creates a surprisingly clear and harmonious effect in its delicate design idiom. Given that owing to its form the spray loses density as it moves downwards, the force of the jets ranges from vigorously massaging to pleasantly soft.
For more information click here
You will read a write up about a prediction BEHOLD THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED!
And if that doesn't impress you as much as Black Panther did, we're betting you're not entirely telling the truth.
Yes, perhaps it is a bit egotistical to compare ourselves to the most eagerly anticipated movie of 2018 but consider this: only a few thousand South Africans went to the movie premiere. We have close to one hundred thousand people* who stay awake until midnight every single day just to see our new deals.
Same same, in our opinion.
*figure thumb-sucked based on our fan base fantasies and not any actual statistics