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Chef's DelightSet of 2 Recipe Books

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Retail: R900

Foodies, eat your hearts out! Choose any two of the below recipe books for only R299!


In haar derde kosboek kyk Barbara Joubert terug na die geregte, kombuise, bestanddele en landskappe wat haar liefde vir kosmaak oor ’n loopbaan van dertig jaar aangewakker het.

Die inspirasies vir Kostalgie spruit uit vele oorde: van haar familie-plaas op die Nuweveldberge in die Karoo, tot haar ouerhuis in Tamboerskloof in Kaapstad. En deur haar reise na onder meer Frankryk, Italië, Portugal en Brittanje is Barbara se passie vir kos as kulturele uitdrukking ontwikkel, die invloed waarvan vir haar ‘n onlosmaaklike deel van haar uitdrukking as kok en joernalis geword het.

“Wat ek van die wêreld gesien het, is dat dit een groot kombuis is,” sê Barbara. “Kos is die een gemeenskaplike faktor waaroor elke nasie trots, en mededeelsaam is. Hoewel ek in Oos, Wes, Tuis, Bes glo en my heelwat op Suid-Afrikaanse kos toespits, moes ek my herinneringe oproep van die maaltye en geure wat ek in ander lande ervaar het. Dit is immers deel van die storie van wie ek is.”

Of dit Portugal se vark en seekos, die huiskos van Franse gasvryheid of hartlike pasta-geregte van Italië is, Kostalgie word saamgesnoer deur gemaklike vertellings van smaaklike plekke met toeganklike resepte.
Tussendeur verskyn die fotografie van Micky Hoyle, een van Suid-Afrika se voorste kosfotograwe wat nie net Barbara se geregte op die blaaie laat lewe nie, maar wie ook na die buiteland gereis het om die kleure, mense en produkte waaroor geskryf word vas te vang.

Kostalgie – Geure van my Lewe is ’n besonderse toevoeging tot die boekrak van enige kosliefhebber.

Meat Manifesto - Proper and Delicious

Meat Manifesto: Proper and Delicious offers a practical and considered guide on how to choose meat, how to butcher it and how to cook it. Andy believes you can’t sell meat unless you know what to do with it and, in between personal food philosophies and agricultural insights, the book celebrates various cuts of meat, by introducing readers to them and offering delicious recipes best suited to each specific one. Andy smokes, grills and roasts his way through beef, pork, lamb, venison, poultry and even goat as recipes range from exotic (tongue, ears and offal) to basic (how to grill a pork chop). The book will explain how to make bacon at home but also why you should be eating grass-fed beef, as opposed to feedlot. It will show you how to butcher a chicken at home but also explain how to best cook it. It is meticulously researched but presented in an approachable way. The end goal is to walk people through various meat recipes, sure, but also to strengthen the reader’s relationship with their supply chain by asking them to consider if they really are happy with the status quo.

Something’s Cooking

"My food philosophy is simple: begin with love … this book takes you on a journey of the food I grew up with – the food I simply cannot go without. I hope that it inspires home cooks and chefs and reminds us all that nothing is more important than doing what you love and doing it with passion." – J’Something
His spicy authentic Portuguese heritage and hearty homegrown South African food has become his trademark. This book provides a fascinating insight into the musician and soul foodie’s guarded private life with never released before recipes from his restaurant and national hit television program, Something’s Cooking." -Publisher
Portugal born Joao Da Fonseca, a.k.a. J’Something, is known to millions of fans for his award-winning hits as the lead singer and song writer of South African band Mi Casa. J’Something has won multiple awards with Mi Casa, including 8 number 1 singles and 5 SAMA awards. They have hosted countless sold out shows in 31 African countries as well as in Portugal, UK, Netherlands, Italy, and Canada.

In 2014 his passion for food and drink came to the fore culminating in two shows; Something’s Food & Drink and What’s for Dinner that reached over 18 000 000 viewers across South Africa in two years.

Currently together with David Higgs he hosts and judges the smash-hit My Kitchen Rules South Africa on MNet prime time. When not performing, J’Something can be found at Something’s Cooking by J, his first restaurant. The future is looking sweet for this humble, passionate, talented and creative mastermind.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Melktert-Versameling

 Daar is ’n melktert vir elke okkasie en na elkeen se smaak: met ’n skilferkors-kraag, krummelrige broskors, koekiekrummelkors of sonder kors; gegeur met kaneel, naartjieskil, perskeblare, neutmuskaat of vanielje, amandel, karamel, sitrusskil of kardemom; gebruik as ’n tert (gebak of ongebak), nagereg, skommeldrankie, “shooter”, melkskommel of as vulsel vir ander gebak soos doughnuts: melkterte van oor die hele wêreld – Nederland, Portugal, Spanje, Amerika, Frankryk, Engeland en selfs China.

Fresh from The Vegetarian Kitchen

For many non-vegetarians, the thought of giving up meat is a step too far, but Fresh from The Vegetarian Kitchen will tempt even the most dedicated meat-eater to try ‘meat-free Mondays’. Mellissa presents food that sustains and nourishes both body and soul, with a selection of recipes that are perfect for family meals as well as entertaining.

Huisgenoot Bakboek Wenresepte

The ultimate baking book: practical, user-friendly and beautifully illustrated.

Its comprehensive collection contains more than 200 recipes for baking and over 30 recipes for icings and fillings, from the traditional to the new and innovative. All recipes were specially selected and tested in the YOU kitchen. Included are cakes, tarts, scones, muffins, brownies, cookies, rusks, pancakes and cream puffs. Cakes baked in the microwave, low GI cakes, and international favourites like panforte, stollen, bienenstich and frangipane are also included. Choose from apple and cinnamon muffins to start the day, fig and pecan ring cake for an afternoon treat or delicious polenta yoghurt cake for a healthier option, and fruit and nut squares for the lunch box.

YOU Let's Cook 5

Carmen Niehaus does it again with yet another treasure trove of recipes from YOU.

The recipes in YOU Let’s Cook 5 combine simplicity and flair – with recipes ranging from simple starters such as toasted ciabatta to spectacular desserts such as ice cream bombe with berry sauce, and flavourful curries from Durban and the Bo-Kaap. With traditional favourites as well as dishes from around the world simplified to be used by everyone. Featuring more than 400 mouth-watering recipes for all occasions, this book is guaranteed to inspire. YOU Let’s Cook 5 is a beautiful book – full of practical hints, great ideas and best of all, tried and tested recipes.

A Lighter Way to Bake

For many years, Lorraine's fans have asked her if she could make some of their best-loved indulgences a bit lighter, so that they could enjoy them a little more often and with less guilt. Classic no-holds-barred sweets hold a special place in Lorraine's heart, but she wanted to offer healthier versions of them, along with some innovative ideas, so she embarked on a long journey of experimentation, testing, retesting, tears, and eventually...progress: treats that retain maximum flavour yet are bursting with goodness. And the fruits of her labour are all here, but they still taste naughty. A Lighter Way to Bake isn't packed with obscure grains, nuts, or seeds. Instead, using everyday ingredients, with expert nutritionists evaluating every morsel, she has come up with 100 nourishing, stress-free recipes, from everyday bread and savoury meals to light snacks, divine pastries, and heavenly cakes. Sesame Pretzel Buns or Cappuccino and Cinnamon Pecan muffins are the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. Skinnier Mac and Cheese or Herbed Baked Chicken Tenders with Honey & Mustard Dipping Sauce are sure-fire winners for family dinners. And Chocolate Torte or Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting will make for a sumptuous finish. Lorraine Pascale's fun, sociable style of cooking came to wide public attention with her landmark BBC television show, Baking Made Easy. The book of the series went on to be a perennial bestseller in the U.K., and Lorraine quickly became the most successful debut cookbook author ever in Britain.


Become a cupcake superstar with this fantastic new recipe book, packed with hints, tips and easy-to-follow steps. From creating cakes with a cloud-like consistency, to decorating with frosting and sprinkles, this book has something to tantalize the taste buds of both beginners and experts.

Lekker Low Carb Sally-Ann Creed

Navorsing het getoon dat vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis daar meer oorgewig mense is as mense wat nie genoeg kos het nie. Lekker Low Carb, deur die gerespekteerde dieetkundige Sally-Ann Creed van Die Kosrevolusie-faam, bevat gesonde, bekostigbare, praktiese resepte om ’n dieet van lae koolhidrate ’n leefstyl te maak. Sy verduidelik wat so ’n tipe lewenstyl behels en hoe om graan, koolhidrate en suiker tot ’n minimum te beperk. Sy bepreek ook kwessies soos vesel en hoekom vroue sukkel om ’n dieet hoog in vet moeilik vind. Aan die hand van resepte vir ontbyt, kospakkies vir kinders, vingerkos, sop, gebak en selfs pizzas, hoof- en bygeregte, souse, snoephappies, koek en koekies, poeding en dranke is dit duidelik dat enigeen ’n gesonde selfgekookte ete daagliks vir ’n gesin kan voorsit om so werklik optimale gesondheid te geniet. In geselstaal, wat dit maklik vir almal maak om te verstaan.

Low Carb for Families Monique le Roux Forslund; Foreword by Tim Noakes, Andreas Eenfeldt

In Low Carb Living for Families, Monique le Roux Forslund answers all these questions and explains why reducing the carbohydrates and simultaneously increasing the consumption of natural, healthy fats is good for you and your family. She also cuts through the jungle of products and information that confront us in the media and on shelves, so that we can find our way to a healthy life of natural foods that will satisfy hunger and banish cravings. In addition to over 100 delicious and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, special occasions and snack time for the whole family (including babies!), Low-carb Living for Families provides easy-to-follow, practical tips and inspiration for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Forewords to the book have been written by Professor Tim Noakes and Dr Andreas Eenfeldt. Professor Noakes needs no introduction to South Africans; he is SA’s foremost sports scientist and is well known for his advocacy of a lowcarb high fat lifestyle. Dr Eenfeldt is a Swedish medical doctor who specialises in family medicine. He also advocates a low-carb high-fat diet and lectures on the topic at various medical conferences all over the world.

Food for Your Brood Sam Gates

For cook Sam Gates, the best meals are those shared with the people we love, when the humblest ingredients, casually gathered, seem to magically turn into fine feasts. Written with refreshing honesty and humour, Food for Your Brood throws out formality in favour of relaxed and vibrant meals to share with the special people in your life. Whether you need a rocket under your everyday menu, or posh nosh for high days and holidays, this cookbook is packed with Sam’s practical, innovative (and ruthlessly tested!) recipes that jump off the page, grab you by the hand and steer you at high speed towards the kitchen.
Gather your brood together and get cooking, sharing memories and laughter over plenty of good things to eat.

Forever Summer Nigella Lawson

Here are irresistible summery recipes to be eaten at any time, innovative, versatile and delicious - from scrumptious Italian antipasti and Greek mezze to Spanish dishes, from barbecues to beach picnics, from Moroccan roast lamb to Mauritian prawn curry, from the strawberries-and-cream feel of an English summer afternoon to Indian-summer evenings at home. And to round it off there's a selection of ice creams, summer drinks and melt-in-the-mouth puddings - who could resist Nigella's slut-red raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly?

Clean and Green

Science has proven that green leafy vegetables and fruit knock all others off the top spot for their spectacular concentration of phytonutrients, vitamins and fibre. And the quickest way to get an instant boost of these healthy greens is in a juice or smoothie. Packed with raw, whole vegetables and fruit, as well as herbs, spices and healthy fats, the fabulous recipes in Clean & Green are literally a health boost in a glass--or a bowl of soup. If you juice regularly, you'll be getting all the essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that you need. Each chapter covers the main health benefits of juicing: Cleanse your body with a Grapefruit Crush or the Parsley Purifier; get a healthy glow from a Fennel Flush or a Kiwi Quencher; detox with a Grape & Lychee Reviver, a Green Tea Punch or a Mint Rejuvenator; and soothe your digestive system by drinking a Pineapple Pump, a Broccoli Booster or a Spinach Aid. Whether you're trying to get in shape, boost your general health, or give your body a deeply nourishing cleanse, incorporating green juices and smoothies into your diet is the simplest and most effective way to eat clean and green!

Just Vegan

Whether you want to fully embrace the vegan lifestyle or simply learn more, this book is full of inspiring information and recipes. More than just a diet, veganism is a philosophy that seeks to improve the well-being of both animals and the environment. It also offers potential health benefits for humans, including weight loss and improved mood. Featuring thought-provoking advice and creative meal ideas from breakfasts through to desserts, this brilliant book will open your mind and palette to find a healthier you.

Keep It Vegan

Think you know vegan cooking? Think again! Let Aine Carlin enlighten you with her delicious recipes and straightforward tips. Keep it simple with easy-to-follow recipes, using a sensible number of ingredients that can be found in your local supermarket. Keep it tasty with chapters including Breakfast, Brunch & More, Light Lunches & Simple Suppers, Something Special, Sauces & Sides and Sweet Treats. Delight your senses and tantalise your taste buds with Rosemary and Pear Stuffed French Toast, Santorini Spaghetti or Sweet Potato Sushi. Keep it fun - Aine is a truly creative cook who loves to whip up dishes that burst with colour and flavour, such as her Zesty Watermelon & Bulgar Wheat Salad.

And don't be fooled into thinking there's no room for treats - Fudgy Brownies, anyone? But most of all, Keep it Vegan! With this gorgeous selection of 100 simple, tasty and fun recipes, newcomers and long-time vegans alike will find plenty to keep them well-fed and inspired. The vegan diet is great for your health, bank balance and the environment, so what are you waiting for? Dive in and discover these vegan delights

Slow Cooking

A feast of rich and rustic dishes awaits you in this fantastic book of slow-cooked delights. Every recipe has been carefully selected by recognised experts who want you to enjoy the ultimate in slow cooking. From hearty, warming stews and classic casseroles to mouth-watering desserts, there is something for everyone. Spoil yourself, because this is as good as it gets. This is the number one cook's choice.

The Supper Club

The Supper Club is a collection of easy-to-follow recipes for every occasion. The author, Phillippa Cheifi tz, and a group of her friends get together for a supper once a month. The venue, host and menu change on a monthly basis and the menu is matched to the season or particular occasion. This is the inspiration for the book: preparing a well-cooked and delicious meal for friends to gather around the table and reconnect.

With 16 chapters and 90 recipes, there is truly something for everyone. The recipes range from basics such as Lemon olives and Feta and phyllo appetisers, to Crumbled lamb pie, Lemon-poached fish with fennel and drinks such as Frozen strawberry margaritas and White sangria to delicious desserts such as Warm ricotta cheesecake and hot cherry sauce and Crisp apple wontons with apple sorbet. The Supper Club will inspire young and old to revamp the age-old tradition of gathering around a beautifully set table with loved ones.

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