Noah's Ark – Ready, Set, Find
God asks Noah to do an important job – he must prepare for a big flood and build a huge ark. Now children can help Noah prepare the ark and keep his family and all the animals safe.
Read the timeless story of Noah's Ark in this engaging look-and-find boardbook for young children. The simple text and charming age-appropriate illustrations will grab little ones' attention and make them excited to hear this evergreen story again and again.
David & Goliath – Ready, Set, Find
Get ready to follow young David as he sets out to help the Israelite army, and help him find important items along the way! Read the classic story of David and Goliath in Ready, Set, Find David and Goliath, an engaging look-and-find book for young children.
Noag se Ark – Soek, Vind, Ontdek
Met Noag se ark – Soek, vind, ontdek word klein kindertjies op ’n lekker speelse manier bekendgestel aan die wonderlike verhaal van Noag se ark. Terwyl die ouer voorlees, kan die kind begin soek aan die voorwerpe in die illustrasie op die blad langsaan.
Die boek se eenvoudige teks en baie oulike ouderdomsgepaste illustrasies sal die kleingoed se aandag trek en hulle opgewonde maak om weer en weer dié immergewilde storie te hoor.
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