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Wheels only- Bike not Included
Wheels only- Bike not Included

FulcrumRed Wind XLR Carbon 80mm Wheelset- Green


Retail: R20,000

With a responsiveness and smoothness that you can feel immediately, the 80mm profile of the Red Wind H80 allows you to cut through the air like a knife. Fulcrum wheels are hand assembled, ensuring maximum performance and reliability.

An integrated aluminium/carbon rim structure makes this an extremely rigid rim, which allows for excellent responsiveness and durability. The method used to layer the carbon results in a rim that is perfectly balanced, even at high speeds.

An aluminium hub body (with an oversized flange on the rear drive side) gives a high degree of lateral stiffness and self-locking oversized aluminium nipples increase responsiveness, whilst remaining maintenance free.

Product Features
  • Aerodynamic 80mm rim with excellent responsiveness and durability
  • Aluminium braking surface for excellent stopping power
  • Self locking spoke system ensures spokes are correctly tensioned without maintenance
  • Cup and cone bearings maintain performance over time
  • 10 and 11 speed compatible
  • Maximum performance and reliability
Product Specifications
  • Weight: 1770g
  • 80mm rim

For more info, checkout Fulcrum

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When you stop and think about it, there's really very little in the average day that makes it stand out as memorable.

Here's an example: what was the highlight of your day three days ago? Unless the timing works out perfectly and you just got hitched, chances are it's not that easy to remember.

But that's the way it has to be. By definition if everything was epic, nothing would be epic.

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