Host a downtown party lit by the city. Surrounded by skyscrapers and best of friends. Clanking cups, and toasting to your backyard balcony. There’s always room for grilling with the Q 2400 electric grill. changes your perception of everything. "Shower thoughts", some people call it. We don't buy into the name so much; the only thing we think about in the shower is trying to find (and then NEVER disturb) the balance between the hot and cold tap.
Anyway, here are a few gems that'll blow your mind into next week:
-When you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room, but less bedroom.
-We live in a world where GTA is a kid's game and Candy Crush is an adult's.
-If you bred a seagull and an eagle would it be a seagle or an eagull?
-There should be a brand of chocolate milk called "The Dark Side of the Moo".