Erase ALL Makeup With JUST Water! Including Waterproof Mascara, Eyeliner, Foundation, Lipstick, & more!
Limited edition Watermelon Print MakeUp Eraser designed in Paris. Light turquoise cloth with light pink watermelon pattern throughout.
MakeUp Eraser is dedicated to creating the most sustainable makeup removal product in the world by using only the most accessible resource available: Water. We truly believe we can eliminate the 3rd most wasteful product in the world: Wipes. #nomorewipes
The Original MakeUp Eraser is a premium, patented, polyester cloth made up of millions of tiny hair-like fibers that work together to create a "suction" for all dirt, makeup, & oil in your pores. Double-sided to erase makeup with the side of the short fibers & exfoliate the skin with the long fiber side.
Good: upcoming payday is fast approaching!
Bad: past payday is now nothing more than a tiny blip on the horizon in the rear-view mirror of life, and any contribution it may have had to your bank account is now (probably) well and truly used up.
Which is why not one of today's deals will set you back more than R399.