Universal axe for various types of woodworking.
Comfortable and safety
Modified fibre-reinforced PA for more impact power, because of the light-weighted and robust handle material. Additional soft component for better grip and comfortable touch/ feel. The hooked end of the handle prevents the axe from slipping.
Universal Axe
Easy and clean cut in fresh and resinous wood, because of the slime axe head geometry. Ideal for splitting resinous wood like spruces and pines and limbing or chopping fresh wood
Hammer function
For an easy and effective use of plastic-, wood- or aluminium splitting wedges. Special milled area- preserves wedges. Do not use with steel wedges!
The 5-year warranty ensures high quality
GARDENA products made in Germany stand for quality, reliable performance and durability.
Wanna hear a joke? 'Sleep.'
Yeah, we don't get it, either!
Whether you're a parent with a screaming toddler who wishes that counting sheep was enough to catch some zzzs, or an eligible singleton who stays up too late sharing memes on social media and then complains about being tired the next day, the one thing we ALL want from Santa this year is a solid 8 hours!
We don't offer any deals on a good night's sleep, but our main deal of 2 x bamboo pillows from Modern Home are sure to help. Counting sheep optional!