Deluxe Laser & Spa which is situated in Cape Town, Gauteng and Durban offers anti-aging, skin tightening, body-contouring, cellulite reduction, LED phototherapy & 100% painless permanent hair removal for both men & women. We only use the world’s most advanced, FDA approved technology which will significantly slow down the aging process and make a difference to your skin and to your body.
Laser Hair Removal uses advanced laser light technology, which targets the melanin within the hair follicle. The laser light is then absorbed into the root of the hair, destroying the hair cells and stunting regrowth of hair. There is no damage caused during this treatment to the surrounding skin and is considered safe and effective.
Deluxe Laser & Spa only uses FDA approved laser technology, which delivers superior results with no downtime
...what provides the inspiration for these write ups, today's your lucky day. You're about to find out.
99% of the time it's the products. Unsurprising. But also so very corporate and predictable. And we hate that. So once in a while we like to draw our creativity from elsewhere, such as:
If E is the most common letter in the English alphabet, why is it so particular? Surely it should've been shaped like an I, just a single straight line? It seems excessive to have to draw the extra three horizontal lines, when really it could've been avoided.
If you know the answer, as in really truly know, please write to us at
Otherwise enjoy thinking about that too for the next three or so years.