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AllesverlorenTouriga Nacional 2018 (R128.16 Per Bottle, 6 Bottles)

R128.16 Per Bottle
R128.16 Per Bottle


Retail: R900
Not for persons under the age of 18

Allesverloren, situated on the south-eastern slopes of the Kasteelberg near Riebeek West, is the oldest estate in the Swartland Wine of Origin district and is renowned for its red wines and Fine Old Vintage. The farm, which dates back to 1704, began producing wine exactly one century later.

The Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show is South Africa’s premier wine competition, identifying the very best Cape wines, recognising the achievements of the country's winemakers, and honouring excellence in the wine industry.

Product Features
  • Award: Old Mutual Silver
  • Produced from dry land vineyards planted between 1958 and 1996
  • Aged in French oak barrels for 12 months
  • Deep ruby red colour
  • Aromas of ripe cherries, dark chocolate and cedar oak
  • A full-bodied, smooth and velvety wine with a firm tannic structured displaying blackcurrant and tobacco flavours, a spicy undertone and a long-lasting aftertaste
Product Specifications
  • Region: Swartland
  • ABV: 14.13%

For more info, check out Allesverloren

Online liquor sales will be processed and shipped in accordance with the Regulation.

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