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Level 1
Level 1

Jose Palmer & Reinette LombardTippie Does Maths (Boxset)

English or Afrikaans
English or Afrikaans


Retail: R590
Excludes shipping
ETA: 5-10 working days
From as little as R112 with Payflex instalments



English - 10 books in each Level

Tippie Does Math: Grade R

The Level R maths books focus on the building blocks for mathematical literacy and give young children the opportunity to discover and apply new skills within a familiar and relevant theme. Concepts included in this series are number concepts (1-10), shapes, size, spatial awareness, measurement, patterns, time, and money. Word problems and silly rhymes form part of this unique approach.

Tippie Does Maths: Level 1

Learning is fun with Tippie the elephant as basic math principles are discovered in each book.

The Tippie doen wiskunde, Vlak 1 Mathematics series focuses on the prior knowledge of Vlak R (Level R) and further builds on the building blocks of mathematical literacy.

Level 1 gives young children the opportunity to learn and apply various skills following specific Tippie themes.

Tippie doen wiskunde, Vlak 1 is progressive, and we recommend that you start with Book 1 to ensure retention.

The broad outcomes for this series includes numbers, operations and relationships. Patterns, functions and algebra as well as space, shape, measurement and data handling are presented progressively.

This series focuses on functional outcomes and the child is only expected to write down written answers if they contribute to the outcomes for Mathematics.

Tippies Does Maths: Level 2

Level 2 Mathematics series focuses on prior knowledge of Level 1 and further builds on the building blocks of mathematical literacy. Level 2 gives children the opportunity to learn and apply various skills following specific Tippie themes. Tippie does maths is progressive, and we recommend that you start with Book 1 to ensure retention. 

The broad outcomes for this series include numbers, operations, and relationships. Patterns, functions, and algebra, as well as space, shape, measurement, and data handling are presented progressively. Tippie does maths Level 2 focuses on functional outcomes, opportunities for self-assessment, and the introduction of time-based activities. Clear progression as well as curriculum extension are included in the series.

Afrikaans - 10 boeks in elke Vlak

Tippie Doen Wiskunde: Vlak R

Leer speel-speel saam met Tippie die olifant en ontdek basiese wiskunde beginsels in elke boekie.

Die Tippie doen wiskunde Vlak R-reeks fokus op die boustene van wiskundige geletterdheid en gee aan jong kinders die geleentheid om verskeie vaardighede te leer en toe te pas binne spesifieke Tippie-temas. Konsepte ingesluit in hierdie reeks is, getalbegrip 1 - 10, vorms en grootte. Ruimte, meting, patrone, tyd en geld asook storiesomme.

Tippie Doen Wiskunde: Vlak 1

Vlak 1 gee aan jong kinders die geleentheid om verskeie vaardighede te leer en toe te pas na aanleiding van spesifi eke Tippie-temas.

Tippie doen wiskunde is progressief en ons beveel aan dat jy by Boek 1 begin om vaslegging te verseker.

Die breë uitkomstes in hierdie reeks is, getalle, bewerkings en verwantskappe. Patrone, funksies en algebra asook ruimte, vorm, meting en datahantering word deurlopend in hierdie reeks aangeleer.

Hierdie reeks fokus op funksionele uitkomstes en daar word slegs van die kind verwag om geskrewe antwoorde neer te skryf as dit bydra tot die uitkomstes vir Wiskunde.

Tippie Doen Wiskunde: Vlak 2

Die Vlak 2 Wiskunde reeks fokus op die voorkennis van Vlak 1 en bou verder op die boustene van wiskundige geletterdheid. Vlak 2 bied kinders die geleentheid om verskeie vaardighede te leer en toe te pas binne spesifieke Tippie temas. Tippie doen wiskunde is progressief en ons beveel aan dat jy by Boek 1 begin om vaslegging te verseker. Die bree uitkomstes in hierdie reeks is getalle, bewerkings en verwantskappe. Patrone, funksies en algebra asook ruimte, vorm, meting en datahantering word deurlopend in hierdie reeks aangeleer.

Tippie doen wiskunde Vlak 2 fokus op funksionele uitkomstes, bied geleentheid vir selfassesering en sluit aantal tydgebaseerde aktiwiteite in. Duidelike vordering sowel as kurrikulumuitbreiding is in hierdie reeks ingesluit.

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