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Christian ArtThe Children's Bible Story Book in English or Afrikaans (Hardcover)


Retail: R300


To give children the best possible introduction to the world of the Bible, award-winning author Anne de Graaf combines easy-to-understand retellings of classic Bible stories in a large print format with lively, detailed illustrations.

The nearly 300 action-packed stories have been arranged in chronological order and include Scripture verses for easy referencing. Some of the well-known Bible characters brought to life in this children’s Bible include Noah, Joseph, Deborah, Jonah, Mary, Jesus, Peter and Paul.


Byna 300 onvergeetlike verhale van die Bybel word op dramatiese en aanskoulike wyse deel van kinders se lewe.

Die kleurvolle illustrasies maak die gebeure vir die kind aangrypend werklik en boei sy aandag van die eerste tot die laaste bladsy. Die verhale bly ook deurgaans Skrifgetrou en by elkeen word toepaslike Skrifverwysings gegee.

In Die Kinderbybel word die mooiste verhale van die Bybel boeiend oorvertel sodat elke kind dit sal verstaan en onthou.

Product Specifications 
  • Language: English or Afrikaans
  • Author: Anne De Graaf
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Audience: Kids
  • Size: Width: 165, Depth: 33, Length: 240mm
  • Pages: 408
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Now, now now, or just now?

The concept of time has long fascinated humankind, with renowned philosophers trying to make sense of it and how it works. Einstein himself said that time is an illusion, while Cher wondered if there was a way she could turn back time and take back the words that would hurt whoever she was singing about.

Add South African time to the mix and we confuse the rest of the world even further, with concepts like 'just now' and 'now now', neither of which actually mean 'now'. Sometimes, it's best to not worry too much about philosophy and Cher lyrics, and just be content with being able to tell the time at all. And nothing could help you do that better than our main deal of a gorgeous ladies floral watch from Ted Baker.