Not so long ago, students just carried schoolbooks in their hands.
But one day, some University of Washington students discovered JanSport hiking packs and started using them to keep their books dry in the rain. Then and there the campus daypack was born, soon to be known as the SuperBreak.
Since then, we’ve designed packs, bags and outdoor gear to equip you for great adventures and the kind that happen every day. We’re committed to making durable, functional, versatile products you can count on, whether you’re headed into a long day, out with friends or going off the grid. It’s what we’ve been doing since 1967.
Get a load of how The Carryout’s “mailbox flap” gives you access to the entire insulated main compartment. Imagine what a cinch it’ll be to get meals in and out of (even easier to wipe down afterwards). Pair that with a few outer pockets for flatware and the like, and to-go never had it so good.