This product is a parallel import. This has nothing to do with the authenticity of the product (it is completely authentic) but means it has been imported without the approval, or license of the registered owner of the trademark and therefore no guarantee or warranty in respect of such goods will be honoured or fulfilled by any official or licensed importer of such goods. However, any warranty claims will be covered by OneDayOnly or the relevant third party seller, in accordance with our standard return/refund policy.
Violets are one of the first flowers to appear in the year, and that, combined with their heart-shaped leaves might be why they are associated with February. This bracelet is a great piece for anyone with a February birthday, especially those who want something a bit more unusual and made to order. The flower design is cut from a sterling silver sheet and attached to a fully adjustable bracelet which means it will fit all wrists comfortably. The design is 16mm in diameter and will be created for you and sent out in our cute packaging.
Fads, trends, phases... they've been around for ages, and it never takes long for society to come up with something new to obsess about. Some things eventually find their way back to the world, like pulled-up socks with shorts, or mullets! Others go out of style and never return, like asbestos and genuine fur coats.
Beauty and skincare fads are much the same, like when putting egg whites on your face was touted as an excellent tightener - as long as your coworkers didn't sit close enough to smell you. We suggest leaving those eggs for breakfast, and sticking to the tried and trusted basics. Like, wash your face daily, wear sunscreen, and moisturise. Often. Why not start with our main deal of Koji Cream from DR RS Skincare.