This purifier from Crystal Aire is an effective, economical and compact machine that eliminates nasty odours and removes any impurities from the air. Compact, lightweight air purifier Uses water as a filter to remove impurities from the air and anti-bacterial, anti-allergenic concentrates to refresh the aroma in the room.
Effective in reducing mould growth, neutralising paint fumes and eliminating pollen spores.
The fragrance concentrates (not included) produce fresh, pleasant aromas effectively eliminating all unpleasant odours.
We're 80% sure that with a bit of forward planning and juuust the right amount of begging, borrowing and stealing it's possible to organise a wedding for less than it'll cost to fill up your tank.
Depending on the size of your guest list, of course. And whether or not you'd be happy substituting a three course dinner with a few of those KFC family meals.
But we're not here to tell you about things that cost you more.
We're here to tell you about things that cost you less!