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TramontinaStainless Steel Charcoal Braai Grill


Retail: R2,500

The drum barbecue grill has changed. It is now safer, more modern, and much more efficient. This is a rereading of a history of passion for barbecue. Maybe you know it as a barrel grill. Or tin grill. The name varies according to the region, but the tradition remains the same: improvising your barbecue in a simple, practical, and easy-to-assemble piece of equipment.

For nearly one century, steel drums have been used as barbecue grills that can work anytime, anywhere. They have become part of the daily routine of those who are passionate about barbecue. Tramontina now honors this tradition with the TCP-400, an innovative barbecue grill that combines the practicality of the drum with the distinguishing features of stainless steel coupled with a high-performance design. This is the drum barbecue grill that you have always known, but with advantages that you have never seen.

Product Features
  • Ideal for entertaining
  • Easy to use and store
  • Stainless steel body
  • Slot handles with a folded metal edge for a more comfortable grip
  • Enameled steel charcoal tray
  • Concentrates the heat where it matters – on the meat
Product Specifications
  • Model: TCP-400
  • Recommended amount of charcoal: 1.5 kg (not included)
  • Dimensions: 459 x 404 x 755 mm
  • Weight: 8.2kg
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Open Season

Today is the 16th of December, and whether your employer recognises it or not, it's the official opening of the festive season in South Africa.

You can tell people they have work to do, but they can feel the festivities in the air. Heck, you can smell it. It's the smell of GP number plates, peroxided hair and short-term relationships ending.

Whether your holidays start today or not, every South African needs a Dezemba survival pack. It consists of the following: a camping chair so you can relax on the go (it's not an oxymoron if you're in SA), a full cooler box for sharing, a steady supply of wood for the fire, and...

Some sick sneakers, so you can take part in our national pastime... Squeaking têkkie.