A fragile teenage girl is held captive. Locked in a cell by The Reestablishment. But this is no ordinary teenager. Juliette is both a threat and the most powerful weapon they could have. A touch from her can kill-and one touch is all it takes.
Juliette has never fought for herself before but when she’s reunited with the one person who ever cared about her, the depth of her emotion and the power within her become explosive….
What do Michael Jackson, the evil queen from Snow White and Alice in Wonderland all have in common. Nope, only 2 of the 3 featured in Disney movies, and only one of them could do the Moonwalk. Sure, maybe all of them were a little weird or creepy in their own way, but that's not it either.
Give up? Each of them had a different way of dealing with a mirror. Michael chose to look at the man in his, the evil queen used hers to find 'the fairest of them all' and poor old Alice, well she kept falling through the dang things.
Whatever your relationship with a mirror, make sure it's a stylish one, like the one we have a deal on today from Arts Décoratifs.