Please Note
- Your personalised voucher code(s) will be emailed to you within 3 working days of placing your order. Should you not receive the voucher within that time frame, please check your Spam or Junk folder before contacting us.
- Please note that by purchasing this deal, you confirm that the supplier may get in touch with you directly in order to facilitate the deal.
- We will not be charging you shipping but you may be charged between R50 & R100 on redemption of the voucher because the supplier needs to effect delivery to you depending on your location.
- Voucher valid until the end of April 2022
Big 1s are 30 x 30cm wood-mounted prints which are a bigger version of our famous ‘Faceblocks’. Your images are printed onto high-quality fine art matte paper and then mounted onto shutterply board, with an industrial Velcro mounting system that lets you easily swap out your wall art as you wish. Big 1’s look stunning displayed as a group so this deal is perfect for starting your collection.
Size: 30 x 30cm each
Need to know
- Great gift
- Buy a set of 3 or 6 wooden photo blocks from PrintWild to get your art collection started
- Purchase as many vouchers as you like and gift this photo wall to friends and family
- The set must be ordered at the same time, in one order via the website
- Easily upload images from your laptop, mobile phone, DropBox, Facebook, Flickr, or Instagram accounts
- Each Big1's image is professionally cropped into a 30cm x 30cm square
- Printed on high-quality matt fine art paper and mounted on shutterply board for a striking effect
- Delivered ready to hang with an industrial Velcro mounting system
- Best displayed in batches
How to redeem
- Easy to purchase: visit:
- Click on ‘Start Your Order’
- Fill in your details
- Upload your images
- Choose product ‘Big1's’ Select ‘Adjust Colours for Best Print’ if you’d like our designers to make sure your print is the best possible quality. If you’re confident that your image is perfect as is, then please deselect this option
- You’ll be able to approve the square crop of the image before checking out
- Enter your unique GV-xxxxxx code and click ‘Validate’
- Check out and receive your PW-xxx order number
- You’ll receive email updates as your order moves through our manufacturing process
- Order will be delivered to your door in South Africa
Operating hours: Monday – Friday (8.00am – 4.30pm), Sat (9:00am – 1:00pm)
Office number: 087 057 2790
*You may buy unlimited vouchers
**You will receive your voucher via email within three working days of purchase - please use the voucher on to redeem.
***Voucher valid until end April 2022