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PasabahceSet of 12 Irish Coffee Glass Mugs (230ml)


Retail: R650

Besides being a market leader with a well-rooted history of 80 years, Paşabahçe is also Turkey’s “love mark” that has established sentimental connections with the whole country, and is regarded as the symbol of quality and trust. Thanks to its original designs and the variety of its categories and products, Paşabahçe is the trendsetter brand of its industry. Paşabahçe makes the life of its customers easier and more beautiful with the healthy, environment-friendly, and innovative special solutions it offers in every corner of their homes and offices, and at every moment of their lives.

Product Features
  • Classic style
  • Premium glassware
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Sturdy 
  • Set of 12
  • 230ml mug
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