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OberglasSet of 12 400ml Tubinger Beer Mugs


Retail: R540
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The Oberglas tableware product line is manufactured in the Stolzle-Glasgruppe state-of-the-art glassworks in Poland. Oberglas is one of the most competent suppliers of beer steins, water and wine carafes, drinking glasses, and shot glasses to the industrial, hotel and catering sectors. Our selection of products ranges from traditional designs to elegant and modern product ideas.

Product Features
  • Many traditional breweries in Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic use the decorative surface of the mug to represent their brands
  • European beer culture is virtually unimaginable without the Tubinger beer mug. Its typically round shape and relatively low height makes it perfect for use in gastronomy and at beer fests
  • Oktoberfest organizers opt for our glass not only because of its shape but also because its lightweight
  • This mug is also known as the "Augenkanne"
  • Its round dimples give the body greater stability and an appealing appearance
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