We make packs and outdoor gear to equip you for adventure. The kind that happens every day.
We design our products to be durable, functional, and versatile. Whether you’re headed to a concert, to class, or going off the grid—we’ve got your pack. It’s what we’ve been doing for over forty years.
Product Features
- 100% recycled undyed liner
- Roomy main compartment with space for all your stuff
- Pair of side bottle pockets
- Padded 15-inch laptop sleeve with additional padded tablet sleeve
- Plush-lined pocket on top for sunglasses, phone or other small essentials
- Suede lashing square detail
- Upper and lower front pockets with built-in organizers
- Made from durable nylon packcloth
- Zipper pulls have cord tabs for easy grab access
- Webbing grab handle on top
- Adjustable straight-cut padded shoulder straps provide comfort for large loads
Product Specifications
Weight: 0.4 kg
- Tela: 400D Nylon Packcloth
- Laptop Dimensions: 40 x 31 cm
- Dimension: 142 x 31 x 14 cm
- Capacity: 27L