Get ready to celebrate with more than 50 playful party build ideas!
Use your LEGO (R) collection to build your own brilliant party decorations, party hats, a minifigure party band, and many more entertaining creations. Then challenge your friends to fun LEGO party games.
Plus, the book comes with all the bricks you need to make an exclusive LEGO party model.
Let the celebrations begin!
Let's talk about dreams for a minute. Do you remember the last one that you had? In the office, we've heard people talk about all manner of dreams they've had, from playing virtual golf with Henry Cavill on a Jumanji-themed course to pitching up at Taylor Swift's concert wearing nothing but last week's socks. Scary stuff!
What's actually even scarier is how many people don't remember their dreams - not because they don't have them, but because they don't actually get a decent enough night's sleep in the first place! And let's be quite honest: when last did you have one of those? If your answer was anything other than 'last night' - and even if it was - you need our main deal, a simulated latex foam mattress topper from Therapy Tools. Sleep tight!