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FreesweetPack of 2 Sugar Replacement (500g each)



Some brands are born out of deliberate intent; others come into existence purely by chance. In the case of Freesweet, intent as well as a string of serendipitous events led to the creation of a one-of-a-kind brand that fulfils a global need.

Product Detail
  • Pack of 2
  • 500g x 2 = 1kg
  • No artificial ingredients
  • Delicious sweetness with no bitter aftertaste
  • Bakes and caramelises beautifully
  • Replaces sugar in a 1:1 ratio in any recipe
  • Diabetic-friendly (endorsed by Diabetes South Africa)
  • Low glycaemic response – GI of 3 (sugar: 65)
  • May assist with weight loss
  • GMO-free
  • Expiry date: August 2020
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We're quite proud of ourselves.

These witty little write-ups that exist for the sole purpose of your entertainment don't just happen overnight, you know (just kidding, that's literally exactly how they happen).

Anyhoo, today we decided to crunch the numbers and, since OneDayOnly's glorious inception, we've done over three and a half thousand write-ups.

The reason we tell you this is because we've noticed a marked increase in subscribers over the last little while and we're now 99% sure that some of you aren't just the obligatory friends and family.

So if you're one of the recent sign-ups, we'd like to say welcome and congratulations on your impeccable timing.