This product has proven effectiveness against a wide range of common bacterial pathogens eg. Listeria, E-coli, Staphylococcus, MDRS and has strong antiviral properties. A wrap offering anti-microbial properties for extended shelf-life, suitable for a wide range of foodstuffs.
Superthene has gas interchange properties that can result in longer shelf-life for foodstuffs such as meat, poultry and cheese. Shelf life can even be further extended using the Superthene Plus or Air range of wraps.It contains no plasticizers that migrate into and contaminate food. It is the only bulk food-wrap that is endorsed by a recognized cancer research body as a smart choice alternative to PVC. Superthene is suitable for microwave oven use.
Superthene is fully recyclable and can fit into any post-consumer Polyethylene waste recycling stream. Its carbon footprint is considerably lower than PVC wrap. Because it has a lower density, Superthene uses approximately 36% less raw material to produce the equivalent amount of PVC film. It also has a much greater ability to stretch.