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Disney Encanto
Disney Encanto

PhidalMy Night Light Book

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Retail: R500

My Night-Light Book include a detachable night-light that automatically shuts off, a pop-out book stand, and an enchanting story, which will send little ones off to a good night’s sleep.

Product Features
  • A detachable night-light
  • 5-minute automatic shutdown
  • A pop-out book stand
  • Colourful Images
  • 14-page storybook
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Make good choices

In the late 90s and early 00s, having a cellphone was a rite of passage. And let's be honest, pretty much all of us had that sturdy Nokia 3310 to send SMSs within a limited character count in case we got charged extra airtime. You kind of either had one, or you didn't, the options weren't endless.

Nowadays, the options are endless, and the world has been divided into those who love iPhones and... well, everyone else. Android lovers, if you will.

We reserve the right to remain completely neutral and unbiased when it comes to preference of platform, but we do need to tell you that, no matter what your stance, you'd do well to check out our deal on an iPhone 8 from, well, Apple. Duh.