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ToniMini Pencil Grinder (Model: TMG32)


Retail: R340

The Toni TMG-32 Mini-Grinder has the quick-change chuck which is ideal for drilling, polishing engraving, routing, shaping, sanding and milling. Great for the hobbyist or DIYer. It has low vibration, high torque and it is lightweight ergonomically designed for easy use. Further, it has a natural and comfortable operation body shape.

Product Features
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to use
  • Quality
  • Warranty: 1-year
Product Specifications
  • Model: TMG-32
  • Motor: 230V / 50Hz, 18VDC
  • Input: 7 W
  • No-load speed: 0-18 000 rpm
  • Max. Collet Size: 3.2mm
  • Weight approx: 0.250 kg

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It's the weekend! It's summer!

Which means you really shouldn't be sitting behind a computer or tablet or phone or whatever other devices connect to the interwebs these days.

Yet here you are.

But since you are here, we can only assume you're here for a reason and (running the risk that comes with assumptions) we assume that reason is to buy something.

Sunshine-ing and picnic-ing and poolside selfie-ing can wait. Today's smokin' hot deals can't. Pew pew.