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Morphy RichardsMico Toastie Microwave Cookware (Model: 511647)


Retail: R1,000

Revolutionise your microwave!
Morphy Richards' innovative range of microwave cookware by Mico with Heatwave technology allows you have the perfect snacks in a fraction of the time, letting you make more use of your microwave.

A delicious toasted sandwich is a perfect meal or snack. Melted cheese, coupled with meat, tomato or whatever you fancy can turn the humble sandwich into an indulgent delight. To achieve this you've previously had to use a cumbersome toasted sandwich maker; not exactly something you can take to the office with you.

MICO Toastie changes this, sandwiched between the cool-touch silicone outer are metal plates with added HeatWave Technology. This converts the microwaves into conventional grill cooking, meaning your microwave can now beautifully toast your sandwich.

Product Features
  • Simply load your sandwich into the MICO Toastie and microwave for 6-8 minutes. What comes out is a perfectly grilled toasted sandwich that takes your lunch to the next level.
  • The silicone designs are no bigger than a small lunchbox, so it’s perfect for taking with you to the office to spruce up those drab lunchtimes forever.
  • All parts are dishwasher safe, so the only thing quicker than making your delicious snack is cleaning up afterwards.
  • Delicious Toastie in under 5 minutes
  • Cool Touch Silicone
  • Heatwave Technology
  • Dishwasher safe
  • 2-year warranty 
  • Model: 511647
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