This product is a parallel import. This has nothing to do with the authenticity of the product (it is completely authentic), but means it has been imported without the approval, or license of the registered owner of the trademark and therefore no guarantee or warranty in respect of such goods will be honoured or fulfilled by any official or licensed importer of such goods. However, any warranty claims will be covered by OneDayOnly or the relevant third party seller, in accordance with our standard return/refund policy.
Sunglasses from the Polo Ralph Lauren collection. A model with smooth lenses and frames made of a combination of plastic and metal. It has a UV 400 filter.
There's this commonly-held belief that, if you rock a golf shirt with a jersey draped over your shoulders, you could pass for someone whose father owns a yacht. Similarly, pitching up for breakfast wearing leggings will give all of your friends the impression you've been up since 5am, training for a biathlon -- or that you're at least going to, after breakfast.
That's the thing about certain items of clothing and footwear. You don't strictly have to wear them for their primary function. You can wear them just because you like the look of them, or they're comfortable, or you care what your friends think. So, our main deal of these stylish Saucony running shoes are actually suited to everyone, whether they're aspiring runners or never set foot on a track in their life. Who's gonna know?