At Prévu, we believe that fashion is not just about clothing; it's a form of expression, a statement of individuality, and a celebration of craftsmanship. Established with a passion for timeless elegance and a commitment to quality, Prévu stands at the intersection of luxury and contemporary style. T
Ah, 1997 - what a time to be alive! The Spice Girls were blasting from every radio, Leonardo DiCaprio was plastered on every teen girl's wall, and Ally McBeal was showing us that lawyers could have some serious groove. Life? It was golden.
It was also the era when virtual pets like Tamagotchis invaded schools, driving teachers mad as kids tried to keep their tiny pixel pets alive. Who had time for maths when their virtual dino was starving?
Fast forward to 2024, and, well, things have definitely changed. Now, we're the ones trying to stay healthy and in check and keep ourselves alive - with a little help from gadgets like the 44mm Samsung Galaxy Watch 6. Look at us, nailing this adulting thing!