Keep jewellery, small firearms, important documents and other valuables secure from theft with this electronic safe! This heavy duty security safe features a reprogrammable access code up to 8 digits and a wrong code lockout to keep your items safe. This solid steel electronic safe includes all the hardware to mount it to your wall or floor to prevent thieves from taking it. changes your perception of everything. "Shower thoughts", some people call it. We don't buy into the name so much; the only thing we think about in the shower is trying to find (and then NEVER disturb) the balance between the hot and cold tap.
Anyway, here are a few gems that'll blow your mind into next week:
When you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room, but less bedroom.
We live in a world where GTA is a kid's game and Candy Crush is an adult's.
If you bred a seagull and an eagle would it be a seagle or an eagull?
There should be a brand of chocolate milk called "The Dark Side of the Moo".