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PessoLadies Valencia Cork High-Heels


Retail: R1,600

Pesso Press Release - Vegan Collection

Global movements such as the Fashion Revolution and Veganism are instilling a social conscience in the way we consume and the way things are produced. There is a shift in focus to ethical and sustainable production in every way!

Vegan footwear is a relatively new concept - we use 100% natural cork, as grown in the South of Portugal. Cork is a remarkable material for footwear, as it's light, breathable, durable, eco-friendly and sustainable! (The cork tree is stripped of it's cork, it is never cut-down. The cork then re-generates itself, one tree can be stripped around 17 times in it's lifetime. Cork is one of the only tree's with a re-generating bark.) 

The qualities we love about leather... breathability, durability, fit and comfort are all features of cork too and therefore the perfect sustainable and eco-friendly option that will maintain Pesso’s premium quality and luxurious feel.

Our Vegan Collection includes a loafer, a block-heel mule and our iconic Valencia high heel all made from 100% natural cork, for the conscious shopper.

Product Features
  • Classic Pesso
  • 100% Cork
  • Eco-friendly
  • From Northern-Portugal
  • Absolute style meets luxury
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