Functionality illustration. Not exact product.
Functionality illustration. Not exact product.

ZofaInflatable Air Sofa with Carry Bag

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Retail: R550
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Designed to fit into your active lifestyle, it goes wherever you do. Whether it's the beach, garden, park, outdoor festivals, camping, by the pool, or even in your lounge - these sofa options are endless.

It rolls up and fits into a small carry bag and can be easily set up in a matter of seconds. Simply open it up, face it into a breeze, roll up, and clip it shut. Simple, quick, and easy. Can be used indoors, outdoors, and even on water.

Product Features
  • Quick & easy inflation
  • Perfect for camping, beach, events, outdoors, and mostly everywhere!
  • Waterproof
  • Portable and compact
  • Durable & versatile
  • Lightweight
  • Heavy-duty buckle
  • Carry bag included
  • Instructions included
  • Packs away in seconds
  • Includes ground peg and loop (for those windy days)
Product Specifications
  • Dimensions: 260 x 70cm
  • Maximum load: 120kg
  • Warranty: 6 months limited

*Please avoid sharp surfaces!

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Let's be honest. Let's be very honest. We're about to get more honest than the first ever meeting of the Oversharers Anonymous Association.

Sitting next to someone while they swipe left and right through their holiday photos is the most excruciatingly awkward experience known to man. Even more awkward than that time the waiter said 'Enjoy your meal' and you replied with 'You too.'

Today's main deal will spare everyone that incredibly painful ordeal, so instead of invading someone's personal space and hoping you don't accidentally swipe past a particularly spicy picture, you can just hand them this fantastic publication and let them marvel at the splendour of your trip to Margate.

You're welcome.