Our newest addition to our unique animal wine holder family. Our Bear Wine Holder is perfectly balanced, eye-catching and a great centre piece for tables and shelves. Perfect to show off your favourite wines in a modern style. *This is a 3D printed product and made from eco-friendly PLA.
No, you are not gniog czary and we hvae not fgotrten how to spell! We jsut wntaed to rmiend you aobut how brlliaint the hmaun brain is. Eevn thuogh alomst evrey word hree is speleld incrrocetly, yuor brain is siltl aebl to raed all of tihs. As lnog as the frist and lsat letetr of evrey word are wrhee they shloud be, the rset dsoen't mtaetr.
Phew! How cool is that? You know what else is brilliant? Literally every deal we're running today!