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WAHLGenuine Leather Barber Apron


Retail: R2,300

This bespoke leather apron will set you apart from the crowd. The pockets allow for the busy barber to quickly change between tools, and the rugged leather is both durable and stylish.

Product Features
  • Storage compartments designed for Wahl tools
  • Comes in dark brown and tan
  • Adjustable neck strap
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It's a Saturday afternoon, and you're trying to decide if you really need that second helping of braai. Or later on, when you're on the couch, debating if it's a good idea to take a quick nap during the rugby halftime -- a second opinion always saves the day.

The expression "two heads are better than one" has never been truer than with today's deal on the Veeway Smart Sonic Toothbrush, which comes with 2 Heads! No second opinion necessary!