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Michael HyattFree to Focus


Retail: R180

Everyone gets 168 hours a week, but it never feels like enough, does it? Work gobbles up the lion's share--many professionals are working as much as 70 hours a week--leaving less and less for rest, exercise, family, and friends. You know, all those things that make life great.

Most people think productivity is about finding or saving time. But it's not. It's about making our time work for us. Just imagine having free time again. It's not a pipe dream.

In Free to Focus, New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt reveals to readers nine proven ways to win at work so they are finally free to succeed at the rest of life--their health, relationships, hobbies, and more. He helps readers redefine their goals, evaluate what's working, cut out the nonessentials, focus on the most important tasks, manage their time and energy, and build momentum for a lifetime of success.

Product Features
  • New York Times bestselling author
  • Proven ways to win at work
  • Redefine their goals
  • Be productive
Product Specifications
  • Author: Michael Hyatt
  • Published: 2019
  • Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780801093944
  • Pages: 208
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Just look how far we've come...

Picture it. South Africa, circa 1999. You can't wait to get home, not to do homework or anything - let's get real, how much of that did you actually do? No, you just couldn't wait to get your hands on their classic Nokia cellphone so that you could spend the afternoon beating your previous score on Snake.

Fast forward a few years later and you had your very own brick of a phone with which to play games, try out polyphonic ringtones and send SMSs JUST long enough to not use up all your airtime and start sending Please Call Me's.

These days, smartphones are the name of the game, and we don't even need to sing their praises, goodness knows you can probably get them to do that themselves. From scrolling through social media to snapping millions of selfies, if it ain't a smartphone like our main deal, we ain't interested. We do miss playing Snake, though.