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Frameless Magnetic Glass Writing Board
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Retail: R3,700
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900 x 600mm (R1849)
900 x 900mm (R2499)
1200x 900mm (R2799)
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A minimalist take on the traditional whiteboard.
Product Features
Magnetized surface. Rare earth magnets only.
Guaranteed to clean perfectly.
The glass is optically clear.
Glass is toughened safety glass.
Can be customized (colours, logos and branding).
Print is reverse applied behind the glass panel so the print is fully protected once installed.
Toughened safety glass can withstand impact on the front face of the glass making it
extremely impact resistant.
Glass is toughened safety glass (which means it will shatter into small pieces), and is
double laminated with a vinyl film making the product extremely safe in the event of
Environmental Responsibility
Eco solvent inks.
Glass can be recycled.
Glass can be re-purposed.
Traditional whiteboards are replaced regularly creating landfill waste. Glass boards last a lifetime.
Prints can be peeled off and replaced in the future if the panel needs to be re-used with new artwork.
Cleaning Instructions
1. Lint Free Cloth (Yellow Handy Andy cloths work best)
2. Soapy Water (Sunlight Soap Only)
Take the cloth & soak in soapy water, rinse thoroughly so cloth is just damp, not
dripping with water. Rub cloth gently over surface area. Do not scrub. Once clean,
rinse cloth in clean water & wipe gently over surface to remove any soap residue.
Leave to dry.
NB: Do not use any harsh cleaning products or abrasives to clean.
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