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CrownFollicle Stimulating Hair Growth Supplements


Retail: R680
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Crown Follicle Stimulating Hair Growth Supplements for men and women trying to combat thinning hair uses key ingredients such as; folate, biotin, nettle leaf extract, and saw palmetto berry extract to promote circulation to the scalp, increasing hair growth. We’ve also added a natural DHT Blocker as the key ingredient to ending hair loss.

Product Features

Saw Palmetto Berry Extract

  • Works by interrupting hormonal signals and therefore reducing the uptake by the hair follicles of a damaging chemical called DHT. DHT is also responsible for shrinking hair follicles with which the hair follicle gets smaller and finer. This is referred to as miniaturization with which the hair ultimately falls off. This is how DHT is responsible for about 95% of hair loss. The men or women who lose more hair are those who are genetically predisposed to produce more DHT than others.

Nettle Leaf Extract

  • Nettle herb is an exceptional plant for restoring health and beauty to your hair. Nettle works on the inside of your body as well as the outside. Rich in minerals and vitamins to nourish every system in your body, nettles will make your hair grow, gleam, get thick and darken. An added bonus is smooth, clear skin, and hard nails.


  • Because folate is important in tissue growth and cellular function, it is essential for your body to have enough of it to produce healthy skin, nails, and hair, because these body parts must regenerate rapidly. Folic acid, therefore, helps prevent hair loss. It also may be a factor in keeping your hair from becoming gray.


  • Biotin is a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails.

Crown Hair Growth Supplements Instantly Go to Work

  • It takes some time to see visible results.
  • Typically, after a few weeks, you will notice less hair loss. Some hair loss is normal (even those with the fullest heads of hair lose around 100 hairs a day), but you should start to notice less hair in the shower drain or on your comb or brush. Your existing hair should also start to appear thicker and healthier.
  • Next, you should start to notice new hair. Please remember that hair usually only grows ½ inch to 1 inch a month. Some users see noticeable amounts of new hair after three months, others take longer. So be patient, by the end of months 6-8 you should start to notice a difference in your photographs (and others will notice for you!).
Product Sepcifications
  • 120 Capsules 
  • Expiry Date: June 2022

Plant sterols (Beta-sitosterol) 126,67mg, Green tea extract 80% (EGCG) 111,34mg, Saw Palmetto extract 106,66mg, Red clover extract (11% isoflavones) 60mg, Nettle leaf extract 50mg, Isoflavones complex 66,67mg, Taurine 66,67mg, L-carnitine 45,34mg, L-cysteine 30mg, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0,94mg, Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 26,67mg, Vitamin B5 (Pantothenate) 20mg, Biotin 670pg, Folic Acid 100pg, Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1pg, Selenium 40Pg, Zinc 10pg"

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Humble bragging. How is this still a thing?

You know the type. They'll say something along the lines of "I really miss my old Chevy Spark. This Audi SUV is so much harder to park."

Rest assured they don't miss that Chevy AT ALL. They just want you to know that they spent truckloads of cash on the latest Audi, but they want to come across as really casual because somehow that makes them cooler. Or something.

You'd think the complete lack of any complimentary responses would put an end to this type of self-appreciation, but if anything it's happening more and more.

We'd love to come up with an effective solution to it but we're waaay too busy running a successful eCommerce company to actually invest the time.

Did you know we're also getting our PhDs on the side? No big deal.