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RDBSet of 4 Flip Flap Educational Book Bundle


Retail: R520

Centre-opening board book format with rounded corners. Fun rhyming text and bright illustration are stimulating for children. Robust pages and interchangeable character pages for endless play.

Product Features
  • Hardback, 12pp
  • Educational Books
  • Centre-opening board book
  • Rounded corners
  • Fun rhyming text 
  • Bright illustration 
  • Interchangeable character pages
Titles Include
  • Flip Flap At the Farm
  • Flip Flap In the Ocean
  • Flip Flap On Safari 
  • Flip Flap Things that Go 
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Writer's block

Ours is about 3 feet by 3 feet, and on our left is the account's block. The sales block is down the hall.

We're joking. Obviously.

Ours is at least 5 by 5, and on Wednesdays we're allowed to write in coffee shops to maintain the illusion that we're "successful" and "writerly".

Coming up with a write up for the simple sake of a write up does, however, become difficult when we're staring complete lack of creativity right in the face. But apparently asking management to cancel all the deals for the day isn't a viable fix.

As they so delicately put it, it'd be like a comedian having the option to suddenly cancel a show if they're not feeling up to it. Not on our watch, they said. You'll do a write up whether you like it or not, they said. And be funny, they said.

So here we are, doing a write up and being funny.