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RelineFlexible Drain Grabber Claw


Retail: R200

Flexible plumbing claw pickup tool for litter picking, drains, home sink, toilet & dryer vents.

The Grabber is 50% longer than regular pick-up claws, & can help in easily clearing clogged & slow-running drains.

Product Features
  • Picks up obstacles & debris effortlessly
  • Will retrieve your ring that fell into the sink or toilet
  • Much cheaper than a plumber
  • Super easy handle grip on top to make grabbing & cleaning a breeze
  • Spring-loaded plunger extends & auto-retracts
  • Wound-steel cable flexes & crimps to bend around corners & obstacles
  • Quick & painless slow-drain relief for drain cleaning
  • Accessible for hard-to-reach narrow curves & crevices.
  • Tub drain unclogger & vacuum hose cleaner.
  • Can pick up stuff & work as a drain auger as well.
  • Length: 1.2m
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Be brighter!

Every now and then, we delve into the weird and wonderful world of human history and take a (comical) look at some of the crazy things people used to do in the name of looking young and beautiful. We've spoken about drinking gold, putting mayonnaise in your hair and even using leeches in medicine. Oh, how far we've come.

Old teeth whitening tricks are just as bizarre, like using raw peroxide (please, babes, it didn't work for your hair in 2004 and it won't work now) or avoiding coffee completely. Who approved this? No, there are better ways of doing these things, like our deal on purple teeth whitening foam from HVIQAN. Say cheese!