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6 Minute Mornings & Periodic FastingExercise Books & Recipe Book (5 Books)

5 Books
5 Books


Retail: R400
Slightly Damaged Packaging

The perfect bundle to help you lose weight, or simply maintain it, tone up and promote good health.

6 Minute Morning Toning

Looking to firm up your muscles, burn more calories, or simply put a spring in your step. This book could be the key - a simple all-over body toning program to boost the circulatory system and fire up the metabolism that takes just 6 minutes to do each morning

6 Minute Morning Arms

The ideal exercise routine if you're short of time, this daily mini workout targets the key areas of your upper body. It will banish any wobble from your arms, tone your shoulders and define and strengthen your back. Working the muscles will improve your posture, naturally lift your bust and boost your confidence, too! Don't worry - these exercises won't bulk out your muscles but will lengthen and define them giving you a fitter, toned and more svelte new shape.

6 Minute Morning Stretching

Stretching tones and lengthens your body`s muscles, helps create a streamlined silhouette, and can even make it easier to shift those stubborn pounds - it also relaxes the mind, putting you in a positive mood to deal with the day ahead. This book allows you to create a number of 6-minute programmes, so you can enjoy the benefits of a real morning stretch!

6 Minute Morning Core Training

s life too busy for regular trips to the gym. Do you want to look and feel fitter and healthier? Then core training may be for you. The series of quick daily exercises in this book focuses on developing the deep core muscles of your trunk and pelvis - the key to strengthening your spine. The improvement in your core stability will result in flatter abs, better posture, and greater agility and strength. You''ll have more vitality, too - essential for today's busy lifestyle!

Periodic Fasting

The recipes and recommendations in Periodic Fasting make it easy to adapt to this eating lifestyle, and your body will thank you. Do you want to lose weight, feel great and live longer, without having to comply with a strict diet? Periodic fasting might be just the thing for you. Studies have shown that eating significantly less for limited periods of time produces better results than sustained dieting, and that reducing calorie intake is beneficial for chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Periodic Fasting introduces the concept of eating normally for five days, followed by two days of restricted eating (also known as the 5:2 diet). During fasting, the body has a chance to use its inherent healing capacity to restore our health and wellbeing. Unlike many popular diets, periodic (intermittent) fasting puts you in control of what you eat. It's as simple as eating normal, healthy meals on non-fasting days and making sensible choices on fasting days. There are no special diet foods or supplements, and everyone in the family can eat the same meals, making this an ideal weight-loss program for families with differing nutritional needs. There are guidelines and menu plans for both fasting and non-fasting days, and examples of meals and snacks that make up the 600-calorie limit on fasting days. Sixty tasty and nutritious recipes for breakfasts, lunches and dinners include variations on how to adapt the dishes for fasting days.

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