Favourite milk tart recipes for every taste and every occasion from siblings Mari-Louis Guy and Callie Maritz. Nothing conjures up the flavour of time and nostalgia quite like milk tart! Choose between an English or Afrikaans edition of The South African Milk Tart Collection.
The South African Milk Tart Collection: There is a milk tart to suit everybody’s taste and every occasion: With a puff-pastry crust, shortcrust or no crust at all; flavoured with cinnamon, peach leaves, nutmeg, vanilla, almond, caramel, citrus zest or cardamom; there are tarts, desserts, smoothies, shooters, milkshakes, cakes and slices; milk tarts from all over the world.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Melktert-Versameling: Daar is ’n melktert vir elke okkasie en na elkeen se smaak: met ’n skilferkors-kraag, krummelrige broskors, koekiekrummelkors of sonder kors; gegeur met kaneel, naartjieskil, perskeblare, neutmuskaat of vanielje, amandel, karamel, sitrusskil of kardemom; gebruik as ’n tert (gebak of ongebak), nagereg, skommeldrankie, “shooter”, melkskommel of as vulsel vir ander gebak soos doughnuts: melkterte van oor die hele wêreld – Nederland, Portugal, Spanje, Amerika, Frankryk, Engeland en selfs China
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Well, one string attached - you actually have to place an order.
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