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PharosEnglish Dictionary for South Africa includes CD with Pronunciation


Retail: R170

This semi-bilingual dictionary contains approximately 12,000 of the most frequently used words in Standard English. Headwords were selected from a number of fields, such as education, technology, culture, communication and travel. It contains several uniquely South African words, such as aikona, bergie, boykie, ubuntu, vuvuzela, Zola Budd and many more. The pronunciation of each headword is indicated phonetically and the part of speech for each headword and its derivative are provided. Where a headword has more than one meaning, each meaning is defined separately in simple English. Meanings are exemplified by means of one or more sentences or phrases. For each meaning one or more apt Afrikaans translations are provided. Translations are printed in blue to make the use of the dictionary easier and more pleasing. This dictionary is suitable for learners of both English and Afrikaans.

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