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RetractalineDouble Rod Wardrobe with 5 Shelves


Retail: R900

Retractaline is the undisputed market leader in the design, manufacture and supply of a comprehensive range of laundry care products and accessories.

Founded in 1985, the brand has established itself as a South African icon, and has supplied the leading retail and hardware stores for 32 years.

Product Features
  • Double Hanging Rods
  • Metal polyester powder coated frame
  • 5 durable wire shelves
  • customizable hanging bars accommodate both long and short garments
  • Ideal for storing sweaters, shoes, garments and other household items
  • Easy to assemble, no tools required
  • Warranty: 1 Year
Product Specifications
  • Dimensions: 495mm x 1153mm x 1727mm
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