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DIY CollectionDo-it-Yourself Project Books (3 Books)

3 Books
3 Books


Retail: R300

Each of these books is filled with tips and tricks, and great home and garden projects that you can do yourself! No matter the budget, there is something to suit every pocket.

Make Your Home - 75 Decor and Lifestyle Projects

The authors love taking everyday items and giving them a twist. Upcycling and repurposing are key terms in their design lexicon. As they say: “Trends come and go, but you have to live in your home, so make it a comfortable space that can grow and change with you. “Through their innovative ideas, inspired use of materials and ability to reinvent ordinary objects, the authors present projects suitable for all craft and décor enthusiasts, from beginners to those with more advanced skills. Whether you prefer to tackle projects with a handsaw and cordless drill, craft paper and scissors, or a sewing needle and delicate trim, there is something here for everyone.
From storage solutions to paint techniques, through knitted rugs and upholstered seats, to stamped tiles and outdoor seating, there are ideas to brighten and enliven your home and outdoor spaces – all showcased via beautiful photography, concise instructions, and an appealing design.

Maklike Houtwerk

Hierdie boek beskryf die verskillende soorte hout wat vir verskeie gebruike geskik is en stap-vir-stap foto's lei die leser van begin tot einde. Gedetailleerde inligting oor houtwerkgereedskap, -materiaal en -toerusting, saam met foto's en aanwysings, sal jou in staat stel om hout met welslae te saag, te las en die gewildste tegnieke en prosesse te gebruik.

Twintig projekte word stap-vir-stap geillustreer en elke projek word vergesel van 'n materiaallys asook voorstelle vir die korrekte gereedskap om vir elke taak te gebruik. Daar is ook alternatiewe idees.Hout is 'n veelsydige materiaal wat gebruik kan word om 'n magdom items te maak, van ornamente tot meubels en tuinstrukture. As jy eers die basiese vaardighede bemeester bet, sal jy vind dat dit nie 'n moeilike materiaal is om mee te werk nie.'n Hoofstuk oor Bouprosedures is bedoel vir diegene wat ingewikkelder projekte soos tuinskuurtjies, buitegeboue of selfs tuinwoonstelle wil aanpak. Aanwysings en foto's help jou om droe mure te bou en wys jou hoe gewone deure en vensters aangebring en 'n eenvoudige dak gebou word.

Metalwork Projects Made Easy

Projects made easy is a guide for making metal items and furniture. It has easy to follow step-by-step instructions that will help you tackle welding techniques, even if you have never welded before. Profusely illustrated with more than 350 colour photographs, the title introduces you to different types of metalworking techniques and the best tools and equipment that you can use. There are also helpful hints for cutting and bending metal, and you will see exactly how to make a variety of jigs. The most common finishing techniques and paint finishes that you can use on metal are well illustrated. These include popular contemporary techniques like faux verdigris and fake rust finishes.

There are more than 17 different items of varying complexity that you can make just by following the step-by-step projects that are illustrated. All materials and the tools required for each project are listed and explained. Suitable finishes are suggested. If you enjoy making your own designs, you can adapt the different projects to create your very own furniture and stylish accessories. The range of projects includes a table and a chair, candlesticks, lamps, a garden bench, burglar bars and security gates, as well as a handy wine rack, a mirror, and an attractive plant stand. The items range from very simple, ideal for the beginner, to relatively difficult.

Woodwork Made Easy

Woodwork made easy is a guide that introduces DIY enthusiasts and amateur carpenters to the full range of techniques and equipment required to tackle a wide range of projects.

Brickwork Made Easy

Brickwork made easy - a step-by-step guide provides an introduction to the materials and techniques used when working with bricks or blocks made from concrete and clay. It details methods used to mix and lay concrete for foundations or garden paths, walkways, and stairs, and illustrates techniques for plastering walls. There are also easy-to-follow guidelines to familiarise the amateur with the vital building principles required to succeed with an impressive range of brickwork projects.

50 Fat Quarter Makes

Fat quarters aren't just for quilters! Sewers love these inexpensive little pieces of fabric, which are often sold bundled together in pretty packages to make them even more appealing. This unique collection of quick-and-easy sewing projects includes contemporary ideas for DIY home decor, accessories, gifts and more - all made using fat quarters. Projects range from instant fixes needing just one fat quarter, to those using a small handful to create quick patchwork presents, to those that need up to ten fat quarters to really bust that fabric stash! Fat quarters are extremely versatile, are great value and are widely available in fabric stores as well as craft fairs and markets, and they are so pretty that they are hard to resist. This collection of projects offers the perfect solution to sewers with a bundle of fat quarters at home just waiting to be stitched into cases, cosies, bags, baskets, pillows, play mats, quilts and clothes.

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