DeMorgenzon's slopes rise from about 200m to nearly 400m above sea level and their vistas embrace Cape Town, Table Mountain, Cape Point, Cape Hangklip, the Hottentots Holland mountains, Helderberg and Simonsberg with the ocean as a backdrop. While they could call themselves ‘mountain vineyards’ they prefer to be known as ‘garden vineyards’. In Spring specially chosen wildflowers flourish between the vines. They have no doubt that a biodiverse and ecologically sensitive environment produces infinitely better grapes and the beauty of the gardens is captured in every bottle of DeMorgenzon wine.
For more information visit DeMorgenzon
Which way are we leaning: Rooibos or regular? Milk: yes or no? The standard sugar inquiry, a two-part question if the first answer is yes.
And if you have your black belt in tea-making, one final question concerning the tea bag: in or out?
How are you supposed to remember that all if you're making tea for, oh say, 3 people?
It doesn't concern today's deals at all, but we had to think about something while we waited for the kettle to boil.