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DettolPack of 2 Cream Cleaner (Includes 2 x 750ml)


Retail: R40

Dettol 4 in 1 citrus multi surface cream cleaner removes tough grease, ensures a sparkling shine, has a fresh fragrance and kills germs. 

Product Features 
  • Multi-surface cream cleaner
  • Removes tough grease,
  • Ensures a sparkling shine, has a
  • Fresh fragrance and
  • Kills germs
  • Available in Citrus and Lavender

Buy any Dettol product (THIS EXCLUDES ALL DETTOL ANTISEPTIC LIQUID PRODUCTS) from us today and dial *120 *4237#.

  • Enter the last 4 digits of your Dettol product barcode and then will be required to complete 2 questions.
  • Retain your One Day Only Order Number as proof of purchases dated prior to the closing of the competition.
  • Prizes: Daily instant cash prizes between R500 to R1500. The cash prizes will be shared with consumers via Standard Bank instant cash send.
  • Ultimate Prize: House to the value of One Million Rand.
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Who still does BuzzFeed quizzes these days?

Do you really need to know what type of shark you are? Really?

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