A mountain of flesh she is, this Decima, as she lies. She summons her strength to rise, all four feet on sand and shale. Puffs twirl and settle as her toes find their place. Three on each foot. Decima stands.
In the veld of the Eastern Cape a writer imagines her: Decima – a magnificent black rhinoceros cow. Mother to Tandeka, herself plumped up with calf, Decima and her crash of rhinos await the birth of the new baby. Decima still recalls how she became an orphan many seasons ago, and tension mounts with the passing of each full moon.
Conjuring up the life of Decima is Eben. How do you write about this animal as a sentient being? he wants to find out. With the story of the rhino matriarch and her kin, come the various characters that impact on their lives: poachers, their clients, those who practise traditional medicine, also those whose calling it is to protect the animals. Entwined in Eben’s work on the rhino, is an account of his fragile, ageing mother. But ringing loudest in his ear is the voice of Decima.
Eben Venter’s book, a creative blend of autofiction, animal fable, mystery and scientific enquiry, is an urgent plea to save one of the earth’s megaherbivores. An elegiac work for numerous voices, Decima is a moving and thrilling lament to lose in all its many guises.
In die Oos-Kaapse veld maak ’n skrywer haar in sy verbeelding staan: Vir Decima – ’n formidabele swartrenosterkoei. Haar dogter, Tandeka, is dragtig, en die handvol renosters sien uit na die kalf se koms in die lente. Maar vir Decima is daar vrees wat met elke volmaan in haar opwel. Sy kan steeds die gebeure onthou wat haar baie seisoene vantevore wees gelaat het.
Al werkend aan Decima se verhaal, is Eben. Hy vra: Hoe skryf mens oor hierdie dier as gevoelvolle wese? Deel van die storie is die verskillende karakters wat ’n impak op die lot van die renosters het: stropers, hul kliënte, beoefenaars van tradisionele medisyne, ook die bewaarders. En tussendeur is daar Eben se brose ma wat in die land agtergebly het. Soos hy sy weg vind deur die bladsye van sy manuskrip, is dit die stem van Decima wat die suiwerste in sy gedagtes klink.
Eben Venter se boek kombineer outofiksie, fabel, ’n speurverhaal en die wetenskap, en is ’n dringende pleidooi vir die bewaring van een van die wêreld se megaherbivore. Decima is ’n elegiese werk vir baie stemme waarin die skrywer die aard van verlies in sy vele gestaltes besing en besweer.
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