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Animal BooksCutest Animals 3 Books with 3D Glasses

3 Books
3 Books


Retail: R280

World's Cutest Cats & Kittens in 3D

So lifelike they leave paw prints on your carpet! Each spread in this huggable book has a cuddly theme: kittens snuggling up, kittens chasing balls of wool, wrestling, playing – you get the picture. (Aww.) Plus – you’ll learn about cat breeds, kitten behaviour and what makes cats so darn cute. No question: it’s purr-fectly adorable! An utterly gorgeous bonanza of cat facts and photos - Incredibly lifelike 3D pictures pile the cuteness on - Explores behaviour, breeds and how to care for cats - Cute kittens playing, exploring, sleeping and more!

World's Cutest Baby Animals in 3D

Slip on your 3D glasses and take a peek at the contenders. Sleek baby otters. Snuggly baby hedgehogs. Fluffy little bear cubs. Awkward baby penguins. But the question is, who’s cutest? Aaargh – it’s impossible to choose! But you’ll have tons of fun falling in love with each and every one. Gorgeous baby animals in facts and irresistible photos From penguins to zebras discover a world of adorable! Incredibly lifelike 3D pictures pile the cuteness on. Full of amazing info about how baby animals live.

Who's the cutest in 3D

An utterly gorgeous book with 3D artwork and glasses. Incredibly lifelike 3D colour photos of adorable animals. Each spread is a cuteness contest between two species. Puppies vs kittens, lambs vs piglets and heaps more!

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