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Function of NatureColon Cleanse Capsules (60's)


Retail: R300

Constipation occurs when a person’s bowel movements become infrequent and stools are hard and difficult, even painful, to pass. It usually happens when there is a lack of fibre and fluid in the diet. If laxatives are taken too often it can affect normal bowel activity and cause constipation. Other factors that may contribute to the development of constipation are certain medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diabetes, and colon cancer.

Food is passed along the digestive tract by rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the intestines, called peristalsis. If these muscles go into spasms, the contractions become uncoordinated and the contents of the intestines move too fast or too slow. This leads to pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea or constipation. The condition is known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The natural supplement, The Colon Cleanse, contains various herbal ingredients which keep bowel movements healthy and relieve the symptoms of constipation and Irritable Bowel syndrome.

Product Features
  • Devils Claw and Aloe relieve constipation by reducing inflammation in the digestive tract which allows proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

  • Buchu and Black Cumin help to flush out toxins in the digestive system which relieves symptoms of bloating and constipation.
  • Research has shown that Cloves have a high level of antioxidants. Anti-oxidants are substances that defend cells from the damage caused by harmful molecules which are produced when the body breaks down food.
  • Expiry Date: 2025
Product Specifications
  • 60 Capsules
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